Saturday 30 June 2012

Gratecrashing and All Nighters.

The more i think about the list and my actions, the more i realise that if i can justify it to myself, then it is some how ok.

On this night i met two wonderful people, Charlene and Leonard. Sometimes in life you meet people you just click with, straight away. One of the wonderful things about getting old i guess, is that you can spot it instantly.

Charlene and some others had been invited to a party, I had not. But after justifying to myself that if asked, I could be Charlenes lesbian lover, I was happier to go univited.
Im so glad I did, we had a hoot.
I remember Leonard asking what shots i drank, and me replying i didnt. I should have known by his response of "You do now." that it would be a great night.

And it was a great night, drinking, laughing, dancing, chatting, meeting some great people.
Well  the three of us ended up back at my house (the bar the previous owners left is an easy draw).
And after i had whipped us up a couple of Strawberry Daquiris (containing none of the ingredients in a strawberry daquiri) the time flew.

I dont think i had spent so long laughing in years, nor did i realise that reading peoples face book posts drunk could be so hilarious....Charlene was a natural at this, with brilliant voices and tones to match the mood..........and honest to god time just flew.

I knew when the sun started to rise this would be my first all nighter.
There is something childishly exciting seeing the sunrise when you havent yet gone to bed.
It seems so simple, but it is truly a night i will remember forever.

Now the down side to this tale is my husband did awake to find and empty spot beside him and his wife downstairs and a strange man on the sofa.
But when asked at 3pm the next day, (me now feeling over tired and a tadge grumpy),
 "Was it really worth it?"
I was able to look at my husband with the most enormous smile and simply reply,

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