Tuesday 18 September 2012

My favourite!


You would think it was easy to find someone who would give you a 'backy' on their motorbike, but it's harder than you think.
These men who seemingly have them breeding in the garage are not always nurturing them into a useable state.
And some men who have the gleaming models, drive them so fast, I would actually fear for my life.
This posed for me a problem, knackered out, unroadworthy banger, or mental fast boy! This dilemma was solved by a friend who knew just the man.

Meeting a stranger, jumping on the back of his bike and gripping for dear life as he sailed me through country lanes was amazing enough, but when he ended to ride at an airfield and took me over Henley in his plane was purely breathtaking.

This one was all about being free and I will be eternally grateful to my dear friend who made this happen.
One of the most enjoyable moments of my life.
Thank you Leonard xxx

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