Tuesday 18 September 2012

Place a Bet.

I am not a gambler.

I am a planner. I write lists. I like to make informed judgements.
And after a spout emptying slot machines for a job as a teenager, I am certainly not a gambler. (those things take a fortune)

But as thousands of people do go to the races, or enter the confusing world of '2 to 1' '4 for 3', once was going to do no harm.
So was I able to throw caution to the wind at Ascot? Not really no.
I placed a 50p bet on all five runners .
Unsurprisingly i won!

So i didn't quite let go of that 'non risk taker' aspect of my life there, but does that matter?
To just jump, To gamble, To just dive into the hands of the gods sometimes seems an option, I know!!!
But at the end of the day, you are the decision maker of your own life.

For a woman who doesn't like to gamble, the right, well thought out decision, can be a very hard one to find.


Why can I not be me?

I like me.
I am a nice, kind, person. I do not knowingly do or say anything that would hurt others and would put anyone before myself.

Why is it then I cant be me?
At home I will sing all day. I belt them out. And my all singing, all dancing Aretha Franklin 'Think' is one to behold.

And my shower songs are to rival the birds: Sam Brown 'Stop', 'Valarie' Alison Moyet, Adele, 'Make you feel my love' Love singing them all!!!

But can I utter one note out of these four walls??? Oh no, If I do it has to be in a comedy format- warbley old woman or in a musical style.

I've had two experience now of karaoke. One a drunken one (at my gay disco) when one guest, who was refusing to join in due to his inhibitions, ended up joining us as we were, "all so crap!! Not even I'm that bad!" he exclaimed.

The other was when my thoughtful husband had surprised me by hiring a soundproof booth for me and my friends to sing our hearts out. Which we did.
Did it matter that we did not hold the voices of angels?
Of course not.
No one noticed.
No one cared!!!

Each of us should celebrate who we are, not how society, friends and family want us to be!
I'm nice and I like being me!!

Gay disco.

No idea why!!!

At a gay bar, people are free to be what and who they want to be.
Don't get me wrong, I've not decided to bat for the other team but I do long to love myself for being me.

"I am what I am"!!!

I never did make the gay bar, but I did host a gay disco in my bar at home, where we dressed up in the perception of a gay man and ate willy shaped food as all gay people obviously do every night.

My favourite!


You would think it was easy to find someone who would give you a 'backy' on their motorbike, but it's harder than you think.
These men who seemingly have them breeding in the garage are not always nurturing them into a useable state.
And some men who have the gleaming models, drive them so fast, I would actually fear for my life.
This posed for me a problem, knackered out, unroadworthy banger, or mental fast boy! This dilemma was solved by a friend who knew just the man.

Meeting a stranger, jumping on the back of his bike and gripping for dear life as he sailed me through country lanes was amazing enough, but when he ended to ride at an airfield and took me over Henley in his plane was purely breathtaking.

This one was all about being free and I will be eternally grateful to my dear friend who made this happen.
One of the most enjoyable moments of my life.
Thank you Leonard xxx